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Special Lectures by Dr.Selin(from France)


*1st lecture:EU-China Economic relation
*2nd lecture:World Economic Interdependence after Financial Crisis


Date: 2010. 9. 10(Fri) / 2010. 9. 24(Fri)

Subject: World Economic Interdependence after finance crisis

Venue: Samsung Industry-University Cooperation Building 810, PNU

Speaker: Dr.Selin Oezyurt

On a short-term visiting fellowship by PNU EU Center, Dr. Selin Ozyurt from France stayed in PNU for a month in 2010 and conducted many lectures for undergraduate and graduate students. On September 10th and 24th, PNU EU Center had the special lectures by her. The goal of the lectures is to tell the students about the economic relationships between EU and China, the increase and decrease of economic interdependence of world economy and its change after the financial crisis. In her first lecture, she explained that EU found out the biggest market for the products made in Europe, the area of high profits for FDI from the European companies and the cheap-product supplier with tremendous production capacity. China also needed the foreign markets for its exports and inflows of foreign capital for the economic growth, so EU and China had been a very close economic partners despites the continuous conflicts due to many problems of politics and trade, said she. In her explanation, the students could see the trend of their relationship by statistics and graphs. On her second lecture, first she gave the audience the concept of world economic interdependence and its current situations with many statistics and other examples of our real lives. She explained how closely interrelated our lives and economies are now, and how much rapidly increasing international trade and capital flows among countries had changed the structure of world economy. She drew a picture of world economic structure, then showed the impacts of financial bubble collapse in developing countries, such as the US and western Europe. She told about how Asian emerging economies overcame the crisis relatively fast but developing economies still struggled for economic recovery. During the classes, students got ideas for understanding EU-China economic relations in the frame of fast changing world economic order.
