2024년 8월

CAST: Cluster-Aware Self-Training for Tabular Data


Self-training has gained attraction because of its simplicity and versatility, yet it is vulnerable to noisy pseudo-labels caused by erroneous confidence. Several solutions have been proposed to handle the problem, but they require significant modifications in self-training algorithms or model architecture, and most have limited applicability in tabular domains. To address this issue, we explore a novel direction of reliable confidence in self-training contexts and conclude that the confidence, which represents the value of the pseudo-label, should be aware of the cluster assumption. In this regard, we propose Cluster-Aware Self-Training (CAST) for tabular data, which enhances existing self-training algorithms at a negligible cost without significant modifications. Concretely, CAST regularizes the confidence of the classifier by leveraging local density for each class in the labeled training data, forcing the pseudo-labels in low-density regions to have lower confidence. Extensive empirical evaluations on up to 23 real-world datasets confirm not only the superior performance of CAST but also its robustness in various setups in self-training contexts.

2024년 8월
소개 웹페이지
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코딩 스타일 교육을 위한 자동 채점 시스템 개선
김영훈 2024-04-11 12:01:50.323
RSS 2.0 749
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