2022년 2월

Automatic Assessment and Collaborative Mentoring System for Programming Education

This dissertation presents a web-based framework for assessing the correctness of students' programs, detecting code quality, and assisting students in a form of pair programming. The controlled experiment indicates that there were various code quality issues (CQIs) in the past. By applying the framework in three different online programming courses during the COVID-19 pandemic, 93% of the detected CQIs were solved by students. Meanwhile, the teachers have helped the students who faced difficulties during the programming lab sessions 56 times. Based on the students' survey, 95.5% of students think the framework is helpful for learning programming and 93.2% of them want to use it in future courses.

2022년 2월
Programming assessment; code quality detection; online mentoring
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한국어 자연어처리를 위한 뉴로-심볼릭 모델
김민호 2021-10-14 14:43:29.22
비감독 학습 뉴럴 언어모형 기반의 문맥의존 철자오류 교정
이정훈 2021-04-08 17:21:35.107
RSS 2.0 117
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