2021년 2월
알리 무함마드 타이야브

A Simulation Model for Generating Simulation Data to Support Data Level Fidelity with Arena

Arena Simulation tool has been used to generate the simulation results by using queuing level fidelity that deals with the waiting number of entities and waiting time of each entity in a queue and physical level fidelity that has been used to mimic the business application to show overall results . These methods do not provide the information of all operations performed in container terminal, for instance, container moving trajectory, autonomous equipment movement, container handling time by equipment that shows overall system working that can only be obtained using data level fidelity. Data level fidelity plays an important role in simulation by showing the closeness of simulation model to the real-world container terminal, for instance, 3D storage stacks of containers in vessels and yard blocks, transport moving activities by satisfying two types of logs, that focus on equipment autonomous movement and container moving trajectory. We have examined the limitations of the most popular simulation tool, Arena for implementing a simulation model to support data level fidelity. The main contribution of this work is to propose a simulation model of generating a test dataset to satisfy data level fidelity that could be helpful in the decision-making of container terminal by using Arena.

2021 February
discrete event simulation, microscopic simulation, macroscopic simulation, optimization, data level fidelity, queuing level fidelity
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